[LeetCode]1980. Find Unique Binary String


Posted by JinFei on August 22, 2021


Given an array of strings nums containing n unique binary strings each of length n, return a binary string of length n that does not appear in nums. If there are multiple answers, you may return any of them.


Input: nums = [“01”,”10”] Output: “11” Explanation: “11” does not appear in nums. “00” would also be correct.


Input: nums = [“00”,”01”] Output: “11” Explanation: “11” does not appear in nums. “10” would also be correct.


Input: nums = [“111”,”011”,”001”] Output: “101” Explanation: “101” does not appear in nums. “000”, “010”, “100”, and “110” would also be correct.


  • n == nums.length
  • 1 <= n <= 16
  • nums[i].length == n
  • nums[i] is either ‘0’ or ‘1’.


  • 本质是字符串的全遍历+,判断给出的字符串剩下的未出现在全遍历的集合里
  • 首先需要将给出的字符串放入到集合容器里
  • 然后通过不断给某一位赋值,判断是否在这个容器里出现过,如果赋值到某一位的时候,发现容器里没有,此时就找到了答案
  • 如果赋值到某一位的时候,发现存在了,就只能赋成原来的值(回溯的思想,先试探将某个值改变,看是否能够达到目的,如果达到了,一切ok;如果没达到,就将值改变到原来)
  • 继续递归
class Solution {
    string findDifferentBinaryString(vector<string>& nums) {
        set<string> sets(nums.begin(), nums.end());
        string res(nums.size(), '0');
        funhelper(sets, 0, res, nums.size());
        return res;
    bool funhelper(set<string>& sets, int index, string& res, int size){
        if(size == index){
            if(sets.count(res) == 0){
                return true;
                return false;
        res[index] = '1';
        if(funhelper(sets, index + 1, res, size)){
            return true;
        res[index] = '0';
        return funhelper(sets, index + 1, res, size);